Thursday, October 25, 2012

Natural Order of the Universe

I am a firm believer in universal laws... I think that the universe, and therefore our world operates by certain principals. you can chooses to go against these universal principals and suffer the consequences (which i have many times) or you can choose to operate within the universal principals and enjoy a certain amount of control over the outcomes in your life.  

I only mention this because we are once again headed for another presidential election. We, collectively are operating under the incorrect premise that we have a say in those universal laws that play so heavily in our lives. We can choose a new national leader, but that does not change the universe any more than it changes us. Rather than trying to impose our will upon the universe, which akin to an ant imposing it's will upon a human toe, perhaps we should begin living inside those universal principals. 
Just a thought

Monday, September 3, 2012

Nectar of the Gods

 Back in the Swing of things here at NMSU. Teaching is weird. I am not a particularly outgoing person, and now I have a room full of people who have no choice but to listen to me. Wait till they find out I am just pretending to be an adult. Aside from that I am taking two classes this semester, gives me more time with the wife and kids. they are two classes i am interested in so that helps a lot. I am taking 2D animation with Eddie Bakshi, Ralph Bakshi's son.  For those of you still Pink
Ralph is the man. I hope I get to meet him.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First Post

Here it is, I have been putting this off for a while... For a variety of reasons, but mostly because i am a firm believer in the notion that just because you have something to say doesn't mean that it deserves to be heard.

There is a lot of talk in the world, the internet especially. so i needed to feel like what i was saying was not just more babble. Mental garbage for some poor bastard to read and take up valuable brain storage when i could just as easily not have put it out there in the first place.

The truth however is that I need an outlet as well as a way to make new connections and display my ideas.

off I go...

My Deviantart Account